Monday, November 11, 2013

I don't like Justin Bieber

A couple weeks ago I was watching the news on the spanish channel and I saw this. Apparently Justin was assisted by police in Bogota, Columbia as he tagged on some walls. I think it's unfortunate that police would be willing to do something like this when graffiti isn't something people consider as a good thing in most areas. I don't think he would've done this in America but I don't think it's right that he does this anywhere period. Not because it's frowned upon because I enjoy looking at it but because he did it in such a public way. I don't like him because I think all the stuff he does is douchey and he's just eww! The graffiti-ers of Bogota were upset by him and they were quick to paint over what Justin had done. I'm totally with them because that's like their "territory" and for an outsider to come and do something like that is kind of disrespectful. In the report they showed some girls who were upset and crying that they had painted over the work because they had spent so much time looking for it. It's just overall ridiculous.
Bogota Police assists Justin Bieber during nighttime graffiti outing

Thursday, October 24, 2013

356: Global Media Flow

On page 407 in the POL book it mentions how popular culture travels across national boundaries. They mention shows like American Idol and Survivor but this reminded me of some of the shows that I watch. The Office is an example of this. I tried watching the British version of The Office but I said nope, this is not as good as the American version. They have cool accents but I think it's the humor and some of the terms I didn't really get so it wasn't very funny for me.

One British show that I do like or did like I don't know I haven't watched it in a long time so I'm not up to date with that but it's called Misfits. It's about these people who get super powers after a storm and it's very addicting (the show). Their powers are very different nothing like being able to fly or be super strong  but like turning invisible, not being able to die, one can go back in time I think. I think they swap powers at some point and it's too much to explain but it's good. You can watch it on Hulu.

355: Elements of 3D Design

Something that caught my attention throughout our readings in the Stewart book was the different elements of form. In math and science we learn about volume and mass as space and weight. The book explains volume as the empty space and mass refers to a solid form. When I think about volume as a form I think of the space needed to for a 3 dimensional object. Knowing mass can mean weight, I kind of thought about something that could be heavy in the art world but I also thought of something that can be solid internally like a concrete sphere. I guess I never really thought about these two forms before and understanding the difference makes these things easier to identify if I needed to.

355: Sun Tunnels

Sun Tunnels in Lucin, Utah was an interesting piece that shows site line. By standing at a certain place in the installation, the concrete tunnels line up to give a sense of alignment. This reminded me of the artist Erick presented on in which he painted lines on and in buildings that created illusions when you stood at the right spot.

Monday, October 21, 2013

WSU Art Gallery

I noticed a lot of people were really drawn to the light box photo (including me) so I decided to change it up! this photo spoke to me a lot. I love snow and this reminded me of winter at my house. The bare ground where the car was parked is something I see all the time and it bugs me sometimes because the fresh snow looks so pretty to me. It's like a white canvas. This photo also reminded me of snowboarding and makes me more anxious for the season to start! [B]-/-<|

Monday, October 14, 2013


356 POL: 265-279 Advertising, Consumer Cultures, and Desire

The way we shop and how we use shopping as therapy sucks. Well for me anyway. It’s really weird because I hate shopping but sometimes I love it. For example, during the back to school time I try to avoid the mall and shopping in general because I know everything is crowded and that frustrates me. But I love black Friday shopping. I think it’s because it’s a once a year thing and it’s at night and it’s within a limited time frame so it kind of makes it like a race in a way and I’m pretty competitive. I’m typically a really nice person and it pisses me off when other people are assholes especially in public places. It drives me crazy how people who work in retail and customer service don’t treat consumers the way they should. I’m nice but if someone’s not nice to me I won’t be nice back. I can think of more times in which shopping made me mad than times that I actually felt “relieved”. I’d rather spend my money on food. 

355 Dramatic Deliveries

I LOVE DTC. IT’S THE BEST PROGRAM EVERRR! I bet you were shouting these words in your head (or out loud), people tend to interpret caps text as someone screaming or maybe it's just me I don't know. Either way dramatic delivery! =D

355 149-176 Purpose and Intent

I found it interesting how the book spoke of context and gave the example of Winston Churchill putting up a V for victory. Before I read it I looked at the image and saw him as doing the peace sign since that’s what people do today. I guess this could be another example of how the same thing (holding up 2 fingers) can mean different things like it explained in the readings. V for victory, peace, two of something, they’re all different but looked at the same. 

355 Chapter 7: Assignment Criteria

In the Stewart textbook we read about developing critical thinking and what is important to know before we start working on a project. So basically we need to know our purpose, the basic assignment parameters, and by when it needs to be done. We do this all the time for our class projects. When I do my own projects at home I usually never give myself a due date. I like to paint and there was a time when I wanted to paint my boyfriend something to give him on our year anniversary. At the time I was attending the Pullman campus and I wasn’t really a busy person so I had a lot of free time I guess but anyway, I started this painting about a week before our anniversary and over a year later it can be found hanging on my wall. I never gave it to him because I didn’t finish it in time and then when I did get to finish it (this past summer) I just decided to keep it. Haha! That’s not the only project I’ve kept either… I need to work on setting myself due dates.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Water Wigs by Tim Tadder

I was watching a show the other day and saw this photographer shooting some of the images for his Water Wigs collection. It was nothing I ever seen so I had to share! Check out his website

Media in Everyday Life 356: Ch. 6

On page 230 in the POL book it mentions that TV is a medium of distraction. I definitely agree! I'm sure we've all tried to do homework with the TV on and for most of us it doesn't work out too well. We get off task and end up taking forever on an assignment that might take 15 minutes. Sometimes that's not always the case. Some people seem to need the TV on while doing certain things and it wont affect them at all. I think it depends on what is on at the time as well. The news is on right now but I'm not distracted, but I'm kind of still listening to what the news is saying as I continue to type. I guess I'm good at multitasking! But it's like I'm just tying what I am saying in my mind. I have no idea what I'm talking about now. Distractions?

PHOTOSHOP 356 POL: 200-220

The introduction of Photoshop in the 90's made it easier to manipulate digital images. Ha!

Make Art Not War

This propaganda image by Frank Shepard Fairey incorporates art with text to make a statement. The image of the woman alone would be a beautiful piece by itself but I think the text makes it send a stronger message.

"PIRATES" 356- Lessig Reading Pg. 53-79

I found this chapter from the Lessig reading to be very interesting. The differences between how people were allowed to record music and let their music be heard on the radio were kind of confusing due to the different people who were benefiting from them. "By limiting the rights musicians have, by partially pirating their creative work, the record producers, and the public, benefit" (Lessig, 58). After reading that then reading about how the radio takes the recording artist's music for free basically, it made me wonder; what's the point of having top songs on the radio? You always here about countdowns of the top songs on the radio but what's the purpose of these charts if the artist doesn't make anything off of being number one. Maybe it didn't pertain to them back when radio was getting started and I don't know if things have changed today so that the artist do benefit from radio but it makes sense that they get a lot of promotion through the radio. Sometimes I feel like I say a lot in my blogs but at the same time I'm not really saying much...weird! Anyways that's how I feel about this one.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Vector Exercise

This is my vector exercise. In the first frame it originally was the letter A, the second frame was 214, and the last frame was the letter J.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

355: Rhythm

I thought this canvas print by Will Borden was a great example of rhythm. It shows movement through the colors and the way the lines curve and mirror each other in an imbalanced way. It looks like it could be a quilt or some type of cloth that has been folded. The top left portion looks like it could also be a ball by the way the colors seem to spin.

356: Authentic Beauty

According to Walter Benjamin, authenticity of the aura or time and place cannot be reproduced. The reading also mentions how authentic beauty is considered that even after someone has had plastic surgery. This then goes into the argument that authentic beauty is produced and not give. I found this interesting because when I think of authenticity I think of something in a natural or original form. Such as ancient landmarks or something representing something such as culture. The image of the Authentic American given in the book can't be applied to everyone in America. Who's to say what authentic beauty really is? If we can consider authentic beauty as something that has been changed, say through plastic surgery, would that make them more authentic now? It doesn't really make sense because of what authentic means. If you change something authentic, wouldn't that be a reproduction, which according to Benjamin can't be done?

356 Chapter 5

In the reading from our POL book on page 185, it mentioned motion and sequence. The introduction of cinema allowed us to create motion through pictures. Cameras today allow us to take several pictures simultaneously and because of this it's very easy to make pictures appear to be moving. While taking photographs for our storyboard assignment I used this technique to give the illusion of falling. In the photos above, it's clear that I am moving up then falling down. It's obvious because of the timing of the pictures but also in the motions seen throughout each frame. I think that if each frame were individual photos, a sense of motion could be seen in the different ways my hair reacts with the motions.

Monday, September 9, 2013


I copied this image to give an example of piracy while committing piracy. =)

POL 49-62 Intended Audiences

I was Googling video game ratings and found this image to be interesting. What's their point? Yes it has a variety of ratings and who their games are intended for, but why spell out "eat me"? I don't think it could be a form of subliminal advertising because it's too obvious, well at least to me it was. I just found it weird but maybe they didn't intend it to turn out the way it did.

The Element of Color

This is a canvas piece by Pat Steir titled Waterfall, 1992.
I really liked this piece because it's simple yet it looks like it took a lot of precision to complete. It kind of looks like it has different tints around the parts that are scattered creating a splash effect. I would definitely hang something like this in my house.

Monday, September 2, 2013

355 Self Portrait

This is my self portrait. I chose the blues and the reds to sort of represent the good and the bad. Not bad as in being a bad person or acting bad, but more a representation of my flaws. The face on the left is obviously bigger and it appears brighter and more pleasant. The face on the right has a darker appearance but between the two faces there's a sense of unity in the mixing of the blues and reds. Though both faces are the same, the expressions give the audience a different feel of what a person could be like without personally knowing them.  

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Meanwhile in the Philippines...

This morning my little brother was reading a book about bats and told me this bat is one of the biggest in the world. Wingspan of almost 6 ft and weighs about 2 pounds. I had to Google it because I didn't believe him at first but turns out they exist! Not around here and they are fruit eaters, but still! It's so gross!

DTC 356: Famous Icons

Rosie the Riveter is a perfect example of image icons. Throughout our readings we are given the value of image and different examples of famous icons that we quickly recognize. This poster image by J. Howard Miller is one we are all familiar with and an image that has been altered over the years to represent different things. Next to the original Rosie the Riveter is an example of how this icon can be changed for a different purpose with essentially the same symbol of strength. Back in the day and even today men are seen primarily as the money makers and the women usually take care of the kids. I don't have kids but I've been around them long enough to know that they are hard work. A lot of parents who are not together act as both for their children. It's almost something that men NEED to know how to do if they want to be a dependable parent for their kids. I don't think it's a big decision now in our culture as to who cleans and watches the kids. I think the "parent" role has evolved to become more or less an equal job for both parents.
File:We Can Do It!.jpg

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Totally Looks Like...

I was searching through Google images and typed in totally looks like. Turns out there's an entire website of "stuff that looks like other stuff"! This one's pretty self-explanatory. Check it out!

DTC 356 Images,Power, and Scary Movies

Towards the end of our first assigned reading the section referred to Images, Power, and Politics on page 9 really made me think about my personal experiences. As the text mentioned, looking isn't always so easy. Different situations or different things we come in contact with cause us to react differently. We've all heard the expression, "it was like a car wreck, I just couldn't look away!" (or something like that), and it's true some things make it hard for us to look away. I'm not much of a scary movie fan though I don't mind watching them. Sometimes I find myself closing my eyes when I feel a scary or gory part coming up but a part of me wants to keep looking so bad! Knowing that it's only a movie and not real life is what makes it easy for me to watch these types of movies. Something harmless like a movie is easier to keep my attention compared to something dangerous.