Saturday, August 31, 2013

DTC 356: Famous Icons

Rosie the Riveter is a perfect example of image icons. Throughout our readings we are given the value of image and different examples of famous icons that we quickly recognize. This poster image by J. Howard Miller is one we are all familiar with and an image that has been altered over the years to represent different things. Next to the original Rosie the Riveter is an example of how this icon can be changed for a different purpose with essentially the same symbol of strength. Back in the day and even today men are seen primarily as the money makers and the women usually take care of the kids. I don't have kids but I've been around them long enough to know that they are hard work. A lot of parents who are not together act as both for their children. It's almost something that men NEED to know how to do if they want to be a dependable parent for their kids. I don't think it's a big decision now in our culture as to who cleans and watches the kids. I think the "parent" role has evolved to become more or less an equal job for both parents.
File:We Can Do It!.jpg

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