Monday, November 11, 2013

I don't like Justin Bieber

A couple weeks ago I was watching the news on the spanish channel and I saw this. Apparently Justin was assisted by police in Bogota, Columbia as he tagged on some walls. I think it's unfortunate that police would be willing to do something like this when graffiti isn't something people consider as a good thing in most areas. I don't think he would've done this in America but I don't think it's right that he does this anywhere period. Not because it's frowned upon because I enjoy looking at it but because he did it in such a public way. I don't like him because I think all the stuff he does is douchey and he's just eww! The graffiti-ers of Bogota were upset by him and they were quick to paint over what Justin had done. I'm totally with them because that's like their "territory" and for an outsider to come and do something like that is kind of disrespectful. In the report they showed some girls who were upset and crying that they had painted over the work because they had spent so much time looking for it. It's just overall ridiculous.
Bogota Police assists Justin Bieber during nighttime graffiti outing


  1. I don't like Bieber either, but he must have been channeling the famous (or infamous depending on one's perspective) United Kingdom-based graffiti artist Banksy when he decided to go tagging! *sarcasm*
