Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Media in Everyday Life 356: Ch. 6

On page 230 in the POL book it mentions that TV is a medium of distraction. I definitely agree! I'm sure we've all tried to do homework with the TV on and for most of us it doesn't work out too well. We get off task and end up taking forever on an assignment that might take 15 minutes. Sometimes that's not always the case. Some people seem to need the TV on while doing certain things and it wont affect them at all. I think it depends on what is on at the time as well. The news is on right now but I'm not distracted, but I'm kind of still listening to what the news is saying as I continue to type. I guess I'm good at multitasking! But it's like I'm just tying what I am saying in my mind. I have no idea what I'm talking about now. Distractions?

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