Wednesday, August 28, 2013

DTC 356 Images,Power, and Scary Movies

Towards the end of our first assigned reading the section referred to Images, Power, and Politics on page 9 really made me think about my personal experiences. As the text mentioned, looking isn't always so easy. Different situations or different things we come in contact with cause us to react differently. We've all heard the expression, "it was like a car wreck, I just couldn't look away!" (or something like that), and it's true some things make it hard for us to look away. I'm not much of a scary movie fan though I don't mind watching them. Sometimes I find myself closing my eyes when I feel a scary or gory part coming up but a part of me wants to keep looking so bad! Knowing that it's only a movie and not real life is what makes it easy for me to watch these types of movies. Something harmless like a movie is easier to keep my attention compared to something dangerous.

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