Monday, October 14, 2013

356 POL: 265-279 Advertising, Consumer Cultures, and Desire

The way we shop and how we use shopping as therapy sucks. Well for me anyway. It’s really weird because I hate shopping but sometimes I love it. For example, during the back to school time I try to avoid the mall and shopping in general because I know everything is crowded and that frustrates me. But I love black Friday shopping. I think it’s because it’s a once a year thing and it’s at night and it’s within a limited time frame so it kind of makes it like a race in a way and I’m pretty competitive. I’m typically a really nice person and it pisses me off when other people are assholes especially in public places. It drives me crazy how people who work in retail and customer service don’t treat consumers the way they should. I’m nice but if someone’s not nice to me I won’t be nice back. I can think of more times in which shopping made me mad than times that I actually felt “relieved”. I’d rather spend my money on food. 

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