Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"PIRATES" 356- Lessig Reading Pg. 53-79

I found this chapter from the Lessig reading to be very interesting. The differences between how people were allowed to record music and let their music be heard on the radio were kind of confusing due to the different people who were benefiting from them. "By limiting the rights musicians have, by partially pirating their creative work, the record producers, and the public, benefit" (Lessig, 58). After reading that then reading about how the radio takes the recording artist's music for free basically, it made me wonder; what's the point of having top songs on the radio? You always here about countdowns of the top songs on the radio but what's the purpose of these charts if the artist doesn't make anything off of being number one. Maybe it didn't pertain to them back when radio was getting started and I don't know if things have changed today so that the artist do benefit from radio but it makes sense that they get a lot of promotion through the radio. Sometimes I feel like I say a lot in my blogs but at the same time I'm not really saying much...weird! Anyways that's how I feel about this one.

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