Monday, March 3, 2014

More Shanken

More commercial galleries are accepting electronic art, especially web-based work (pg 50). I think this is something important to the modern artist or designer. Technology has given us another way to create art that's cleaner, portable, and easily editable. The different ways that we utilize Photoshop and illustrator helps us to learn and figure out what we are best at. Web-based art has allowed me to express myself in ways I couldn't through a painting. I'm somewhat of a perfectionist and I think that by creating art electronically, I am more able to make corrections and use precise measurements that I wouldn't otherwise on a canvas. I don't want to say it's easier to do, but I do think it can be more time consuming because it's so easy to change small things and be unsure about stuff. It definitely allows us to critique and tweak the work more easily.

Telephonic Arm Wrestling by Norman White + Doug Back

I found this device to be really interesting. The time in which it was created (a long time ago) made me think of how long we have been exploring telepresence. Sure telepresence can be referred to in different forms for example video conferences. But for me personally, when I think of telepresence I think of being in one place and teleporting physically to another place. At least that's what I thought would happen when I was younger if it ever were to happen. I am grateful for technology and being able to Skype and see far away places but I don't know, nothing compares to literally being there, wherever that may be.

Putting Art in Motion

James Whitney was an artist mentioned in our very early readings. Known for his abstract cinema, I found his work to be very attractive. I like the shapes and forms he uses and the illusion of movement presented in some of his work. It's kind of a headache to look at after awhile but it kind of just makes you want to keep looking at it. Either that or I'm just weird =D. This image reminds me of something I would doodle when I'm bored at work and I really like the colors.