Saturday, September 21, 2013

355: Rhythm

I thought this canvas print by Will Borden was a great example of rhythm. It shows movement through the colors and the way the lines curve and mirror each other in an imbalanced way. It looks like it could be a quilt or some type of cloth that has been folded. The top left portion looks like it could also be a ball by the way the colors seem to spin.

356: Authentic Beauty

According to Walter Benjamin, authenticity of the aura or time and place cannot be reproduced. The reading also mentions how authentic beauty is considered that even after someone has had plastic surgery. This then goes into the argument that authentic beauty is produced and not give. I found this interesting because when I think of authenticity I think of something in a natural or original form. Such as ancient landmarks or something representing something such as culture. The image of the Authentic American given in the book can't be applied to everyone in America. Who's to say what authentic beauty really is? If we can consider authentic beauty as something that has been changed, say through plastic surgery, would that make them more authentic now? It doesn't really make sense because of what authentic means. If you change something authentic, wouldn't that be a reproduction, which according to Benjamin can't be done?

356 Chapter 5

In the reading from our POL book on page 185, it mentioned motion and sequence. The introduction of cinema allowed us to create motion through pictures. Cameras today allow us to take several pictures simultaneously and because of this it's very easy to make pictures appear to be moving. While taking photographs for our storyboard assignment I used this technique to give the illusion of falling. In the photos above, it's clear that I am moving up then falling down. It's obvious because of the timing of the pictures but also in the motions seen throughout each frame. I think that if each frame were individual photos, a sense of motion could be seen in the different ways my hair reacts with the motions.

Monday, September 9, 2013


I copied this image to give an example of piracy while committing piracy. =)

POL 49-62 Intended Audiences

I was Googling video game ratings and found this image to be interesting. What's their point? Yes it has a variety of ratings and who their games are intended for, but why spell out "eat me"? I don't think it could be a form of subliminal advertising because it's too obvious, well at least to me it was. I just found it weird but maybe they didn't intend it to turn out the way it did.

The Element of Color

This is a canvas piece by Pat Steir titled Waterfall, 1992.
I really liked this piece because it's simple yet it looks like it took a lot of precision to complete. It kind of looks like it has different tints around the parts that are scattered creating a splash effect. I would definitely hang something like this in my house.

Monday, September 2, 2013

355 Self Portrait

This is my self portrait. I chose the blues and the reds to sort of represent the good and the bad. Not bad as in being a bad person or acting bad, but more a representation of my flaws. The face on the left is obviously bigger and it appears brighter and more pleasant. The face on the right has a darker appearance but between the two faces there's a sense of unity in the mixing of the blues and reds. Though both faces are the same, the expressions give the audience a different feel of what a person could be like without personally knowing them.