Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Li Hongbo's Paper Sculptures

Google paper sculptures by Li Hongbo. I saw this guy's work on the news awhile back and thought it was ridiculously awesome. He make sculptures out of paper and as you can see from this image it doesn't look like paper at all!


I think the capturing of movement is really important especially when you want to show action and don't have the option of filming it. There's something about the rhythm that unconsciously makes your eyes follow the object, it's beautiful to look at. The person in this photo kind of creates a wave throughout the image with his body which also creates direction. This technique is really cool!

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Packet

I'm the worst when it comes to blogging when I should. I write stuff down then I forget to blog and yea. Anyways, I thought the article that was given to us was pretty interesting. It's interesting how what is "in" in the arts can be compared to trends in fashion. What people want to see in galleries today is the new hip stuff and don't really credit or display older pieces. I don't know if my analogy makes much sense but it's like the clothes we where. You don't see people in bell bottoms and platform shoes because they're outdated and style has changed. Galleries display what people want to see today like the Rain Room instead of something less interactive like a painting. I'm sure this isn't entirely the case but that's kind of how I see it. People usually don't think things are cool unless everyone is following.